Saturday, February 13, 2010

Couldn't have found a worse time to blog!!!!!

I have to be out of mind!!!!
Of all the time that i had in the past 8 months after coming to MDI, i had to choose 14th February, 2010, a day before my Mid term exams to blog... :( What timing!!!!

Here i am with a book in hand "Corporate Finance" :( trying to make sense out of nothing and yet i feel like writing something..
yesterday we had our alumni ws good to see them relive their campus moments and bond with their batchmates, some of whom with they had lost touch...Reason why i'm suddenly nostalgic abt it is for the fact that i had one of the best conversations yesterday night with two of my very close started off as the complaining session..."God! why do u do this to us..(btw..the three of us were facing the same problem.. the love depression- in varying degrees and reasons)" and then u end up talking abt random stuff..take the frustration out of your system and voila!!! u suddenly start feeling good...have things changed?..NO..its the same..the same old issues..yet u feel light..
gotta stop nw..i know its incomplete..but i better prepare for th pprs..else i will have time only for blogging ;-)

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